Tuesday, May 4, 2010



Went to a picnic a few weeks ago. Ate cotton candy, grilled meat, and corn. Some fighter jets flew over.

Wonderful fighters, that--despite how sad we are about this region being a place of interminable war--can make you feel proud. I don't know...maybe it's just the tremendous blasts of sound and speed.

We were celebrating Yom HaAtzma'ut, Israeli Independence day...that remarkable day in 1948 that Ben Gurion and other decided to declare the Jewish State. (It's called, appropriately, the Nakba, the catastrophe, by Palestinians.)

Anyway, the day has developed a tradition of public bbqing that puts the 4th of July to shame. Israelis haul out basically their entire apartments into the parks, and live there for the holiday. We set up our own tent...and made a day of it.

Here are some photos of pre-party gathering...and some cooked corn. Art photography.


Free Beer

First Beer


Nice Corn

Surrealist Instructions


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